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If your cabinets are filled with bottles of cleaning products with lots of orange warning signs on them, they're probably not as clean as they’re making your home.

Lots of cleaning products we find in the supermarket are filled with toxic ingredients that affect your health negatively. If you read terms as formaldehyde, 2-butoxyethanol, ammonia or chlorine on the bottle. You better put it back on the shelve.

Furthermore, there are lots of different products available for every cleaning task in your house. But is this really necessary? It is far more easier and healthier to switch to an all purpose cleaner. But not just any cleaner, a homemade one, that you can put in aesthetically pleasing bottles. Because yes, even your cleaning products can be instagrammable!

Just take a look below for an all purpose cleaner made with natural ingredients and lots of love. I know cheesy isn't it?

Every good cleaning product starts with a beautiful bottle to put your liquids in. I got an amber glass spray bottle from Zara home making it easy to wet your surface. Then it is time to add the following ingredients:

  • 2 thee spoons of castile soap - Dille & Kamille

  • a few drops of lavender essential oil - Dille & Kamille

  • A cup of lemon cleaning vinegar - Albert Hein

  • Fill up with water - your kitchen sink ;)

Castile soap is a plant based (palm free) oil originating from Castile, Spain, hence the name. It can be used for all types of cleaning chores: from your hair and face to the dishes and laundry. I used the one from Dille & Kamille and added some lavender essential oil. But you can also use the Dr. Brenner's lavender pure castile soap. A well known organic and fair trade brand. You can probably find this at your local zero-waste store.

I also recommend using cleaning vinegar instead of regular vinegar since it has a higher level of acidity, making it easier to clean dirty surfaces. For my cleaner I used a lemon cleaning vinegar since these pair well with the lavender scent. Bur feel free to add some fresh lemon to your cleaning, making it even more natural! Of course you can always use other scents in your cleaner, but I chose lavender since this has a calming effect on yourself. And can't we all use a little of that in this pretty toxic world? :)

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